Thoughts for a new year

The Norwegians at the South Pole 1911I'm not usually one for over-symbolising things like New Year - it's just another day after all. On this occasion though and given the scenes which occurred in the far South a century ago, here is one thought.

These are the words of Helmer Hanssen and Roald Amundsen, upon learning of the death of Scott's Terra Nova Pole Party:

I do not believe men have ever shown such endurance at any time, nor do I believe there ever will be men to equal it. Helmer Hanssen

Their deaths are more triumphant than most other lives. Captain Scott left a record for honesty, for sincerity, for bravery. For everything that makes a man. Roald Amundsen

I wonder how many victors of the modern day would act with such respect. It is my belief that the endurance, commitment and honesty which defines many of the pioneers does not have to be left behind in the 20th Century.

Don't let the standards slip.

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